Wednesday, July 27, 2011

16-pound Baby Born in Texas

A 16-pound baby born in Longview, Texas holds the new hospital record. JaMichael Brown is more than twice the weight of the average baby--which is about seven pounds.

Read more:

Watch the video:

What does it mean that the baby "holds the hospital record"?

What does "more than twice the weight" mean?

In what state was the baby born?

In what part of the United States is this state?

How long is he?

What was the first thing the mother asked when her baby was born?

How is he being fed?

She can't wait to give her big baby _____________________________________________________.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Adjectives--Feelings; Rolling in the Deep--Youtube Video

Watch this music video and then do the exercises below:

List five adjectives that describe the emotions you think this woman is feeling:

Give two adjectives that express the way you feel after watching this video:

What do you think the throwing the dishes against the wall symbolizes? ___________________________________________________________________________________

Now watch this video and read the lyrics from the song:

--What do you think she means when she says, "We could have had it all"? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

--What is a "scar"? __________________________________________________________________
--What do you think it means when she says "the scars of your love"? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now that you have read the lyrics, write a few sentences explaining what you think the story is about this woman. Try to use some of the adjectives you wrote in the exercise above.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Phone Message Vocabulary Lesson

Watch this video on Youtube and then do the exercise.

Choose your answers from the following choices:
--later than I planned; behind schedule
--can't move
--to be very happy and excited

According to the video, what does stuck mean? ____________________________________________________________

Fill in the blanks:
--There was a traffic jam, so we were ____________ in traffic for an hour.
--He had so much homework to do that he was ______________ inside until he finished it.

According to the video, what does running late mean? ____________________________________

--Because of the traffic jam, I'm ______________________ today.
--The meeting was _________________________ because they had so much business to talk about.

According to the video, what does psyched mean? ________________________________________

--Our family was _______________ about going on vacation.
--Many people went to the movie theater at midnight because they were so ______________________ about the final Harry Potter movie.

According to the video, what does can't wait mean? ______________________________________

--The children _______________ to go to the beach on Saturday.
--As soon as she gets up in the morning, she ________________ to have a cup of coffee.

Now listen to this phone message for practice in natural English, then answer the questions below.

1) Why is she running late? ___________________________________________________________________________________

2) She will be at the restaurant in half an hour if she doesn't _______________________________________________________________________________.

3) Why is she psyched? ____________________________________________________________

Now write one sentence of your own for each of the new vocabulary words:





You call a friend to tell him or her that you will be late for your lunch appointment because you had a flat tire on your car. You get the answering machine, so you have to leave a message. Write what you say to your friend to explain your situation. Use some of the vocabulary words or phrases you just studied.

Thank you,!